Sunday, May 25, 2008



Windhoek Namibia is reported to be the cleanest city in the southern
hemisphere and I think it is true. We have done a great deal of
walking since we arrived and the city is very nice. We walked down
Eros Weg from the small motel we were staying at to Independence Ave
the main street of the city. This is a modern city very much like
Capetown and the traffic laws are obeyed. We did some shopping at the
Post Street Mall then walked back via Fidel Castro ave and Robert
Mugabe ave. We past the famous Luthren Church and the parliament
buildings and the state house.
On Saturday May 24th we decided to go to the Angus Buchan Crusade at
Independence Stadium. The map we had was not to scale and we ended a
three hour walk with a 15 minute taxi ride to finally get to the
stadium. The crusade was great with about ten thousand people
attending. We had trouble finding a taxi and ended up hitchhiking home.
On Sunday we went to church with Suzanne & Mick and then to their
place for lunch. We went for another walk in the afternoon and ended
up back at the motel by 6pm.
Monday we head to Rundu in the north which is on the border with
Angola. We hope to meet with some AIM staff there and return home by
the night bus on Wednesday ready to fly out on Thursday. We hope to
post a few pictures if we can. Later.

From Tim McDougall's iPhone

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