Monday, March 10, 2008


I am sitting here in the dark as the power is off for the second time
to day. We went to a meeting last night with some other "muzungu"s and
one fellow said the power situation is getting worse and worse.
We met at the Wegner's house and most of the folks worked at Teki
Bible college in Ndola. Mary was talking to a lady who had spent some
time on the Congo, a place Mary would like to visit. She said it was
not safe at this time. Mary will have to be content with just seeing
it from Grace.
Another couple work with the "call boys"or nephews as they call them.
These are the kids that call people to the buses. They live off the
streets and have many problems.
The Wegners have a very nice house and we had a nice time visiting.
The have four kids three of whom live and go to school in Ndola. Their
oldest daughter is finishing grade twelve in the states.

Sent from my iPhone

1 comment:

Ola said...

And here I am, trying to encourage people to turn out their lights for an hour on March 29--Earthhour!
Take care guys!