The month started with a trip to Sudbury for a treatment on Nov 1st. and we did get out to the cottage that week. We pulled the dock in and cleaned up a bit. I am still working on the renovations of the bathroom. Mary wanted an indoor shower so I have been working on that.
On Nov. 9th Marys brother Tim Stewart had an appointment with his doctor and she promptly sent him to the hospital and it turned out that he had a heart attack. He was shipped to Sault Ste. Marie the next day and it was discovered that he had 4 blocked vessels and they put him on a wait list for surgery in Toronto. So we made three or four trips to the Soo during his stay there. He was taken by medical aircraft to Toronto and St.Micheals Hospital on Nov 15th and Mary and I drove down to be with Judy at the Bond Place Hotel near the hospital. The surgery was done on the 16th and was very successful.
Recovery for Tim was going well but the doctor did not want him to make the 7 hour trip home by car so we put him and Judy on the Porter flight from Toronto Island the 22nd of Nov and we drove to Sudbury for Marys treatment on the 23rd. We made it back home late on the 23rd just happy to be in our own bed again. Tim S and Judy made the trip home very well and he is recovering very well at home. He is to rest for 4-6 weeks but I think we will be lucky to keep him down for 2weeks. It seems amazing to me that an active healthy guy can have a heart attack, a week later have open heart surgery and the following week be home walking around. As my uncle Tom said on Sunday, How can you not believe in the Power of Prayer.
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