Sunday, March 15, 2015

Workers Conference

Some group photos of being fed spiritually and physically.

Ministry Staff

This is a group photo of the staff at the ministry guesthouse. These folks travelled with us as we visited many of the Konda tribe villages. They are a great group so gracious and hospitable.


Here are the three Translators right to left
K B Raju. Vijaya Kumar. Ramarao

These guys translated for us while in the mountain villages and at the workers conference. 

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Last supper

Ken and I had a great meal the night before our departure for home. Pictured are Ken, Bro Joi, and Bro Samuel.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Young Lady

This lady is Esther Rani. We met her on our last evening in Vinisanagarm.

Workers conference

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Ken and I model our Lugy (men's skirt)

Wedding Season in India


On March 3 Ken and I flew to India. We had to take four flights Chit to Lusaka, Lusaka to Addis Ababa, Addis to Bombay and Bombay to Vishakhaptnam on the east coast. From there we travelled in land about 2 hours. Pictured here are the powered rickshaws that are everywhere.

Pool house fellowship


I flew to Zambia on February 12th with the electricians. We installed 100 or so solar panels and got them up and running. I also went with Ken to Katombi to drill a well for Margie Gould. We had a great time and the food was great. We did get the well drilled and three solar panels up.
Pictured here is the Sunday evening fellowship at the pool house.