Thursday, May 15, 2014

Grampa has Hudson to himself.

Hudson is a week old today. He is a good baby. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Celebration

We all went to Tim and Judy's for supper. Hudson was the guest of honour. We got a  picture of three generations of mothers. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hudson is 2 days old!

The new baby came over for a visit. Grama and Grampa are overjoyed. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Part of the Delivery Room Team.

Hudson was making himself known but Mom Grama and Dad are overjoyed. 

It's A Boy

"George Hudson Clark born 3:51am. Weighing 7lbs 13oz at 23in long. Healthy baby with a full head or red hair. Mum and baby are healthy and he is showing off his appetite." - This was Matt's post on facebook. I will post some pictures but we are so excited! Grandparents again.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Things Happen at Walmart

Today May 7th was Matt and Aly's anniversary and we invited them to supper and movie in the Soo. Supper went great and we had chicken at Wacky Wings. With time to go until the movie we went to Walmart to get batteries for Grama. 
Well shopping at Walmart brings out the best. Aly's water broke in the candy section. We are going to have a baby!
After a short stop in the Walmart washroom, we took her to the hospital. 
At the moment I am in the waiting room, it is 130am and at last report she was 8cm dilated. Exciting !